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Appendix: In-Stand Surface Application of Biochar in Forestlands Methodology

methodology developer
Kulshan Carbon Trust
offset generation method
Carbon removal

This methodology serves as an appendix to the approved Verra Methodology for Biochar Utilization in Soil and Non-Soil Applications. Specifically, this appendix outlines a well-supported exception to the limitations of Section 4 - Applicability Conditions: Eligible biochar end-use criteria, to allow for in-stand surface level application of biochar as a unique soil amendment. We propose a project-design, from waste biomass sourcing through production and application, that justifies this change specifically for forest application. The fieldwork is done by small teams using hand tools. They reduce wildfire risks and improve reforestation results by utilizing the biochar produced in flame cap kilns. The ecocredits offer carbon sequestration credits while supporting improved soil health and water storage capacity.

Document History

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Expert peer review round 2
Abby Colehour
Kelpie Wilson
Founder Wilson Biochar
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Expert peer review round 1
Abby Colehour
Kelpie Wilson
Founder Wilson Biochar
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Initial submission
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Internal review
Dr. Gisel Booman, PhD
Head of Science, Regen Registry
Ned Horning
Principal Scientist, Regen Registry
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Public comment
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Credit class

credit class

Kulshan Carbon Trust Biochar

Regen Registry

Kulshan Carbon Trust developed this credit class to support small scale biochar production in the Pacific Northwest.

offset generation method
Carbon removal
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Umbrella Species Conservation
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Kelp Restoration
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Mangrove Planting
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Coral Reef Restoration
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Regeneratively Managed Crop and Grasslands
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Regenerative Agriculture
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Jaguar Conservation
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Avoided Carbon Emissions
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Rotational grazing
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Improved grazing
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Biochar production