GHG Benefits in Managed Crop and Grassland Systems Credit Class
Developer: Ecometric
Offset Generation Method: Carbon Removal
Sectoral Scope: Regeneratively Managed Crop and Grasslands
Abstract: Soil is the largest terrestrial pool of organic carbon with small changes in stocks resulting in significant changes in atmospheric carbon concentrations. Regenerative cropping and managed grazing enhance soil organic carbon content, improving productivity while mitigating climate change through the sequestration of atmospheric carbon dioxide. By 2050, regenerative annual cropping is estimated to have a sequestration potential of between 14.5–22 gigatons of CO2, and managed grazing between 16.4 and 26 Gt CO2e. (Project Drawdown, 2020). This Credit Class uses the ecometric soil organic carbon monitoring methodology to measure the impact of crop and grassland management and identify and report climate positive surplus CO2e tons as high integrity Removal Credits.
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