New Credit Class
A new Credit Classes follows the same process as a new methodology, whether developed internally by RND or by external Credit Designers.
The following process is applied to all new credit classes:
1) Internal Review
2) Expert Peer Review
3) Public Comment
When a credit class and methodology and being developed together the Regen Registry requests that they be submitted at the same time for the review process due to the correlative nature of the content of the documents. Please refer to the Methodology Review Process chapter for more details on each of these steps.
1. Internal Review: Credit designer submits the proposed new or modified credit class to Regen Registry. Regen Registry reviews the draft and provides feedback. Approximately a 4-6 week process.
2. Expert Peer Review: Draft moves to expert peer reivwe handled by Regen Registry methodology review lead. Approximately 6 - 20 week process.
Public Comment - The credit class is posted publicly to Regen Registry Public Comment for a minimum of 14 days. At the conclusion of the Public Comment period, the comments are compiled into a report and sent to the credit designer, who then has 30 days to respond to comments in writing and incorporate relevant feedback into a revised version.
Process Documentation - In adherence to our values of the highest level of transparency and integrity of credits, Regen Registry documents the entire credit class approval process including feedback and revisions from internal review, expert peer review. This process is then made public as part of the project’s profile on the Regen Marketplace.
For examples of existing credit classes visit the Regen Registry Credit Classes.
If the credit class is tied to a new methodology the credit class and methodology will be required to be submitted at the same time for each step of the review process.
Last updated